大自然是我们最广阔的教室,赋予我们取之不尽的资源。这个金黄的季节,西斯达城市森林学校小学部的孩子们整装待发,带着欢笑和憧憬,开启一场以“悦享金秋 体验农耕之乐”的研学之旅。
Nature is our broadest classroom, giving us inexhaustible resources. In this golden season, the children of CStar City Forest School were ready to start a school trip with the theme of “Enjoying Autumn and Experiencing Farming”.
升国旗 唱国歌
Holding the national anthem and flag
At the grand opening ceremony, students and instructors raised the national flag and sang the national anthem together, and the solemn oath expressed the pride and mission of being a Chinese.
学耕地 悟学问
Experiencing farming
The thousands of years of traditional farming cannot be separated from plowing. Students were eager to try the traditional farming equipment. In practicing students learned that farming is not only a technical work, but also a profound knowledge.
试拍击 享音乐
Experiencing percussion
In the field, they beat the African drums to their hearts’ content, enjoying the sunshine and music at the same time. Look at the concentration of the students.With the same drum beat and the same rhythm, they interpreted the power of teamwork with music in nature.
推磨台 懂辛劳
Experiencing grinding
Some children to push the heavy millstones together , and only then can the flour be spread from between the constantly rotating millstones. Only when the mill can the smell of food linger in the day. Sweat beads continue to fall, and the hard-earned grain is engraved in the hearts of the students.
摔泥巴 畅奇思
Experiencing mud wrestling
How can childhood be without the joy of the mud pool! Every piece of mud should have its own shape, every piece of stylized mud carries the thoughts of the students!
抓鸡乐 拼灵巧
Experiencing chicken catching
Listen to the cheers of the students, and then watch the two forces in the chicken yard dueling with each other, chasing each other, running after each other, or living peacefully together. At last, they also could know more things by touching with the nature.
掰甘蔗 品丰收
Experiencing the joy of harvest
With the sun shining the cane fields, the students cut the sugarcane and tasted the harvest.
Knowledge should not be limited to textbooks, and the classroom should not stop in the classroom. In this activity , we take the farmland as the learning hall, ancient and modern agricultural tools as learning tools, and growing things as teaching materials, so that we could experience the beauty of nature and the joy of harvesting. While experiencing the beauty of nature and the joy of farming, we lay the foundation for the all-round development of students!